Green Easy Brunch

Green Easy Brunch is packed with gut-loving fibre and all the goodness of three green vegetables, beans, eggs and spices.

I find most families struggle meeting the daily requirements for fibre. Green Easy Brunch is an easy and low-budget recipe that incorporates 3 different green veg (oftentimes the hardest to get kids to eat) and turns it into a tasty meal. Since the veg are cooked, it does not require much chewing, which can also appeal to the littles ones in the family.

Plant fibre, such as in the vegetables and beans featured in this recipe is essential for gut health. It has been established that Gut health is the foundation of overall health. So, an easy way to optimise your family’s health is to get them to eat more plant foods. I love creating recipes like this to help families to eat more vegetables in a way that is easy, fun and tasty.

Why not getting the kids involved? Let them throw in the grated cheese or crack the eggs at the end of the cooking. This can be a fun way to motivate them to try a new dish! 

Green Easy Brunch is a light meal that can be eaten for breakfast or lunch. 

Green Easy Brunch

Green Easy Brunch

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Cuisine Gut-friendly
Servings 4


  • 2 leeks, medium chopped
  • 2 courgettes, medium cubes
  • 450 chard chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 white beans can
  • 6 eggs medium
  • 2 tsp cumin ground
  • 2 tsp sweet paprika
  • 2 rsp za'atar (optional)
  • 100 g sheep's milk cheese, soft grated
  • 1 bunch parsley chopped
  • 1 bag new potatoes boiled


  • In a large pan, chop the leeks and garlic and brown them in a little olive oil at low temperature until soft.
  • Add the courgettes and spices. Brown for a few minutes. Rinse the white beans under water and add to the pan. Add 300ml of water or stock and cover at a medium/low temperature until the liquid is absorbed.
  • Prepare the chard. Remove the stalks first. Then chop the leaves lengthwise (julienne). Place them in a pot, cover and boil for 7min approx until tender.
  • Add the chard and potatoes to the pan and mix well. With a spoon, make 6 holes. Incorporate the eggs in each hole. Sprinkle over each egg a little paprika and salt. Throw over the parsley and dots of grated cheese. Cover until the eggs are fully cooked.
  • Season to taste and serve straight away.


Gluten-free, vegetarian recipe. This recipe is versatile. The vegetables can be replaced with seasonal vegetables, i.e. root veggies in Winter (butternut squash, cabbage, kale) or Summer veggies (tomatoes, peppers, aubergines).
It can easily be adapted for dairy-free requirements by just removing the cheese or replacing it with vegan cheese. A vegan option would also require removing the eggs.
Keyword fibre-rich recipe, gut-friendly recipe, vegetarian

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